Swift Platform State of the Union for Software Crafters

Jon Reid

⏱ 60 minute session
11:00-12:00, Friday, 24th May 2024
Let's journey through the ups and downs of the Swift development landscape as they intersect with software crafting practices. We'll take a fun cook's tour through dependency analysis, microtesting, test-driven development, refactoring, CI, and software teaming (ensemble programming). Apple owns the road, but can we control some of our destiny?

🏷 software crafting
🏷 extreme programming
🏷 unit testing
🏷 tdd
🏷 refactoring
🏷 tools

Jon Reid

Jon Reid is a Senior Consultant with Industrial Logic. He has over 20 years of experience with unit testing, test-driven development, and refactoring. He writes the Quality Coding blog and is the author of iOS Unit Testing by Example.