Sustainable Mobile Apps: How to Create One

Jane Bondar

⏱ 60 minute session
11:45-12:30, Thursday, 23rd May 2024
As the primary gateway of mobile data consumption, applications can both support the long-term systems' sustainability and impede progress in related areas. The outcome depends on whether mobile apps have been developed with sustainable software principles in mind. In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, where the demand for mobile applications continues to grow, we should recognize the potential environmental impact of apps and find efficient ways to make them greener. To help you properly address these issues, I’d like to share with you my team's experience in sustainable mobile development. During this talk, I'll give you precise, easily-applied techniques to make mobile apps more energy efficient and environmentally-conscious while ensuring a positive user experience. I'll tell you what works within sustainable software principles and back up recommendations with cases from my practice, explaining how our experts in my team coped with similar challenges.

Jane Bondar

With a decade in mobile technology, I lead a team of 30 developers, focusing on process efficiency and technical consultancy. I have developed everything from IoT systems to social networks, with a specialty in healthcare and fintech apps. My coding passion drives me to solve complex challenges with innovative, user-centric solutions. Outside work, I'm an enthusiastic freediver and hiker, always seeking new adventures.