Ready to make your app for next adventure with Vision Pro

Kosala Jayasekara

⏱ 180-min-workshop
10:00-13:00, Wednesday, 22nd May 2024
In this workshop, I'll go through the start visionOS application from scratch to the intermediate level. Even some network activities and sync with iOS applications.

🏷 visionOS
🏷 VisionPro
🏷 SwiftUI

Kosala Jayasekara

I have completed more than a decade long experience in the field of futuristic developments and managed to gain a portfolio of local and international clientele while working with prominent corporate entities in Sri Lanka.

Currently serving as the Chief Technology Officer for Fixel Digital which is a development house specifically for Mobile application developments and IoT. it's a pleasure that I am well known for my Punctuality, Attention to detail, and innovative mindset among the clients and the industry that I am being with

I have started iOS Development in its early development stage in 2011. I have been in the apple ecosystem for more than a decade now, also Delivered more than 55+ Apps, including iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. At the same time, I am serving my knowledge to Students in the IT industry and providing consultation services to my clients from overseas.