Huge discount if you are looking for an iOS or Swift dev role

10th May 2024 at 18:01

It's a tough market out there at the moment. With many tech layoffs and hiring freezes, all in the context of a lethargic economy, if you're looking for a role it's not easy.

A great place to network, meet people directly who might be hiring, as well as hone your skills, is a developer conference like Swift Craft. But one thing that's even harder if you're between roles (or looking for your first) is affording to attend!

So we're offering a special Job Seekers discount at an incredible discount! Just £90 (inc. VAT) for the main conference (and £90 each for the workshops and tutorials days). If you can get there this should be a no-brainer! With the UK economy coming out of recession now is the best time to focus on getting a new role in Swift or iOS development!

See our dedicated Job Seeker Rates page for all the details and to apply for the discount.