The Swift Craft 2024 Conference Call for Speakers runs until midnight (GMT) 31st December 2023 Friday, 5th January 2024 (note that this deadline has been extended). But don't wait until then - you'll be partying! Get your proposal in early to avoid missing out on being part of our first ever event!

We look forward to and welcome submissions from everyone, including those who might otherwise feel excluded. If you would like help in submitting a proposal please reach out to us.

The conference will run on the 23rd and 24th May 2024, with pre-conference workshops days on the 21st and 22nd.

The main conference will mostly feature 60 minute presentations, with the possibility of 90, or even 180, minute workshops. 60 minute sessions should usually be structured as a 45-50 minute presentation with 10-15 minutes of Q&A. 90 and 180 minute workshops are for more in-depth tutorials, potentially interactive. The pre-conference day workshops are for training workshops where the instructors will receive a share of the ticket sales.

Lightning talks will run on one of the evenings, but will be organised closer to and during the event.

What should I present on?

The theme of the conference is the craft of writing code in Swift, so any topics that fit this theme will be given priority. But overall any topics that relate to the Swift language and eco-system (including Swift on the server, or other platforms) or developing for Apple platforms (iOS, of course, but also macOS, watchOS, tvOS, even visionOS) are welcome. Even Objective-C is not excluded 😂

Proposals on design, architecture, testing and other quality related topics are also on theme.

Who should present?

We want to put on the best conference possible. We believe that this means hearing from voices from different backgrounds and experience levels. As part of this commitment, the main round of submission reviews is anonymized (so please try to avoid including personally identifiable words or phrases in your title, abstract and outline).

We'd also like to make especially clear that people from all backgrounds - minorities or otherwise - are not only welcome, but we will do whatever we can to actively support you.

How long do I have?

The Call for Speakers will remain open until midnight (GMT) on 31st December 2023.

Benefits - for 60 minute speakers

  • Full access to the main conference days. (Note that, because workshops and tutorials are ticketed separately, and profit is shared with the instructors, these are not included in the free entry package)
  • Complimentary Early Access to the videos of sessions before they are publicly released.
  • Up to two night's accommodation, including breakfast, at the conference hotel. Long haul travellers may request an additional free night. If you wish to extend your stay further you may do so at your own (or your company's) expense.
  • Travel costs to the venue (flights or trains) subject to the following limits:
    • Within the UK: up to £100
    • Within Europe: up to £400 GBP
    • Long haul: up to £1000 GBP
    • Travel expenses within these limits should be automatically approved (but please treat them as limits not targets!). If you are unable to stay within the limits please communicate with us before booking anything. Contrary to popular opinion it is easier to ask for permission than forgiveness!
    • If your travel and accommodation expenses can be covered by your employer we will gladly display the company logo on the conference website as a sponsor, with a link to a url of your choice.
  • A photo-shoot with our conference photographer.
  • One ticket for the conference dinner

Benefits - for tutorial day instructors (half-day workshops)

  • Full access to the main conference days.
  • Instructors will receive 25% of the (pre-VAT) sales of the day rate for the attendees in their session.
  • One night's accommodation is covered. If an instructor is also presenting a 60-minute conference session then up to three nights accommodation can be covered.
  • Travel is covered in the same way as 60-minute speakers.

Benefits - for workshop day instructors

  • Full access to the main conference days.
  • Instructors will receive 40% of the (pre-VAT) sales for their workshops.
  • One night's accommodation is covered. If an instructor is also presenting a 60-minute conference session then up to four nights accommodation can be covered.
  • Travel is only covered if instructors are also speaking at the main conference.

Submit your ideas here

Please use our Speaker Portal to submit and manage your proposals: