On Progressive Disclosure in Swift
Doug Gregor
09:30-10:30, Tuesday, 20th May 2025
Swift is designed to be an approachable language, where developers coming to Swift can become productive quickly and have fun doing so. As they tackle more challenging tasks, Swift can grow with them, offering the features needed to build rich abstractions and ensure the best performance. This notion, which we call progressive disclosure, is fundamental to the design of Swift. This talk will explore progressive disclosure in Swift and the challenges it poses to design as Swift itself grows into new environments and faces new challenges.

Doug Gregor
Doug has worked on the Swift programming language, compiler, standard library, and related tools since the beginning. As a founding member of the Swift Core Team and an active member of the Language Steering Group, he helps guide the evolution of Swift. Doug is constantly in touch with developers at every point in their Swift journey, from beginner to expert, and seeks to balance the language to retain its unique mix of approachability and power.