The Skills You Need for Test-Driven Development: A Hands-On Workshop in Swift
Jon Reid
10:00-18:00, Tuesday, 21st May 2024
Test-Driven Development (TDD) seems difficult because it's a combination of several skills. To help you learn TDD, let's break down the component skills you need. This will be a hands-on adventure, coding together in Swift.
TDD seems difficult because it's a combination of several skills. I will break TDD down into these component skills, guiding participants through coding exercises to develop each skill. By the end of the workshop, participants will understand the skills they need to develop to become effective at TDD. This will be hands-on training, coding together in Swift on one machine using ensemble programming. This workshop is ideal for developers of all levels who want to improve their software development skills and learn about TDD. The interactive nature of the workshop ensures that participants will leave with practical skills.

Jon Reid
Jon Reid is a Senior Consultant with Industrial Logic. He has over 20 years of experience with unit testing, test-driven development, and refactoring. He writes the Quality Coding blog and is the author of iOS Unit Testing by Example.