Swift Macros: the key to efficient and elegant code
Ibrahima Ciss
15:00-16:00, Friday, 24th May 2024
Swift macros are a powerful tool for automating repetitive tasks, reducing boilerplate, and enhancing code readability. In this talk, we will explore the benefits of using Swift macros and how they can improve the quality of your codebase. We will cover the basics of Swift macros, including their syntax and functionality, and dive into how they can analyze code, emit rich compiler errors, and generate new code. We will also discuss real-world use cases for Swift macros and share best practices for creating reliable and efficient macros. By the end of this talk, you will have a solid understanding of Swift macros and how they can be used to make your code more efficient and readable.

Ibrahima Ciss
Ibrahima is an indie iOS engineer with more than a decade of experience especially interested in building magical and accessible mobile experiences, scaling, and shipping reliable applications.
He also loves sharing his knowledge at conferences and meetups around the world.