Schedule for 2025
We've been a bit quiet since we launched the Call for Speakers last year. That doesn't mean we've been doing nothing! We've been super busy combing through an incredible list of submissions. Thanks to all our reviewers for your help in getting the initial rankings. We had nearly 10x as many submissions as we have places on the schedule, so even then the final selections were a painstaking - and heartbreaking - job!
Well, the selections have now been made and the schedule has been built.
But let's introduce our keynote speakers:

We're thrilled to announce that Caitlin Steele, who spoke last year, is returning - now as a keynote speaker. Caitlin is uniquely positioned to set the tone of the event, having worked in roles from front-end development, product management and product design - with many in-between.

We have also one of the giants of the Swift team at Apple! Non other than Doug Gregor! Doug works directly on Swift as a language and is on the language steering group, as well as working on the compiler. So we are privileged and humbled that he has agreed to join us for our event - especially at such a busy time on Apple's internal calendar.

And finally, we have Paul Hudson, who is known to ... literally everyone, as the man behind Hacking With Swift. So we're super excited to have him join us this year, too.