Announcing Swift Craft 2024!

26th November 2023 at 23:00

We're thrilled to announce that we'll be holding the first edition of Swift Craft next May!

Swift Craft is a brand new conference, in the UK, for Swift developers and all of the Apple developer eco-system.

The focus is on honing the craft of writing Swift but we'll have content on all aspects of application development.

The venue, a working theatre with a conference suite attached, is built right into the cliffs at Folkestone (near Dover) with views directly overlooking the sea. We've been using this venue for another conference, C++ on Sea, for a few years now and it's been very popular. We're excited to now bring it to the Swift developer community. See this short promo video for the last C++ on Sea to get a taste.

We're just getting set up but have our keyote speakers lined up, already: Jessica Kerr and Daniel Steinberg. We'll be opening the Call for Speakers very soon, but in the meantime we have already opened Early Bird tickets with a large discount for those willing to take a punt on our new event right from the start!

Check back, register for updates, and see you in May!